ISO certification
Sahand Tranche Consulting Engineers Company, in proportion to its role in designing large construction projects and monitoring the compliance of structures related to designs, considers the quality of consulting services as one of the main pillars. In this regard, while obtaining ISO certification, it always considers the policy and quality assurance and considers it in its services.
Service quality control and guarantee system
Sahand Tranche Consulting Engineers Company is currently implementing a quality control and assurance system in all parts of the company and has succeeded in obtaining the ISO 9001-2001 certificate:
Since the high quality of engineering services is one of the main goals of Sahand Tranche Consulting Engineers Company, this company is trying to achieve this by establishing a quality assurance and control system. For this purpose, by modeling the world-renowned systems such as ISO, a quality assurance and control system has been established in this company. For example, with continuous and specialized training of the company’s personnel, it tries to improve the capabilities of people active in projects. In addition to the above, the use of trained experts to perform various relevant services has caused the ancillary services of most projects to be completed in a short time and with appropriate quality.
Quality Assurance (QA)
Regular and periodic evaluation of the overall performance of the project to ensure that the project will meet the defined quality requirements includes a quality assurance process that is outlined in line with the company’s activities. By implementing quality assurance, it can be ensured that the processes defined in the quality management plan are running properly. At the same time, quality assurance inputs are obtained from two sources: quality control and quality planning, and its output is considered as a basis for improving and changing the project management system. However, in the field of quality assurance process, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has also established a series of ISO9000 standards. The staff of these consulting engineers try to improve and update their knowledge in the field of quality assurance and quality control by participating in ISO training courses and encouraging the company’s management.
Quality Control (QC)
Monitoring project results and determining whether the results meet predetermined quality requirements and identifying solutions to prevent poor performance is part of the company’s policy of studying and monitoring project implementation. Quality control is associated with processes such as Cost control, change control, scheduling control is one of the processes of comprehensive change control and performance reporting. In fact, quality control at operational levels evaluates the results of defined activities based on set criteria and target values. Various tools are used for quality control, including inspections, control charts, process analysis, and it should also be noted that the output of quality control is to take measures to improve quality and increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the project.
Certificates obtained by these consulting engineers
در این مهندسین مشاور تمامی طرحها در سه فرآیند خود کنترلی در داخل دپارتمان، مجموع دفاتر و دفتر مدیرعامل مطابق با فرمهای QC مربوط به ISO بررسی میشود و موارد عدم انطباق برای اصلاح به دپارتمان برگردانده میشود
Therefore, the main approaches of Sahand Trenche Consulting Engineers in completed and ongoing projects are as follows:
1- Using the maximum capabilities and technical and economic facilities as well as specialized and experienced manpower in order to provide the best work experience.
2 – Avoid duplication, waste of time and conduct studies that are ineffective in improving the design process and focus and accuracy on applied studies.
3- Using the latest software accepted by the esteemed employer, compliance and up-to-date documents and technical reports with the latest information and statistics available in the country.
4- Observance of all related standards and regulations and control and use of regulations of other countries when necessary.
5- Presenting documents, technical reports and design with the utmost accuracy and health in acceptable formats.
6- Using the latest notification circulars and editions of relevant regulations.
کنترل کيفيت، فرآيند بررسي و ملاحظه نتايج پروژه مي باشد. تعيين تطبيق فعاليت هاي انجام شده با استاندارد کيفيت مطلوب و در نظر گرفتن مسايل و روشهاي اجرايي پروژه و همچنين نحوه حذف يا کاهش عوامل احتمالي عدم انطباق، از جمله نتايج عمده اين فرايند بشمار ميرود. کنترل کيفيت براي کل نتايج پروژه اعم از نتايج محصول و يا نتايج مديريت و اجراي کار صورت مي گيرد.
In the standard quality management system, all study groups have a checklist and the group leader controls the activities performed to ensure compliance with the checklist, and after checking compliance and eliminating possible deficiencies,the relevant checklist is approved by the group management and then approved by the project manager.
The quality management method that is being implemented today in Sahand Tranche Consulting Engineers includes services in three general levels: service features, service delivery features and service quality control features. The standard mentioned in the following 8 paragraphs guarantees the accuracy of services and having the necessary accuracy:
domain of usage
Reference standard
Vocabulary and definitions
Quality Management System
Management responsibility
Resource Management
Product realization
Measurement analysis and improvement